Financial Hardship

Financial Hardship

The patient will need to complete a financial disclosure form and provide proof of income using the form below. Income shall be annualized from the date of request based on documentation provided and upon verbal information provided by the patient. The annualization process will also take into consideration seasonal employment and temporary increases and/or decreases to income. Any denial of financial hardship discount requests will be written and will include instructions for reconsideration. If additional documentation of financial need is received to support charity care, the request will be reviewed and considered upon the above guidelines. All information relating to financial hardship requests will be kept confidential. 

Include member name, employer and address.
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Appropriate documentation of financial hardship would be one or more of the following: 1. Documented proof that patient is at or below 200% of the current federal poverty guidelines such as W2 withholding statements, paycheck stubs, income tax return, forms from employers or welfare agencies or forms from Medicaid or other State-funded medical assistance programs. 2. Patient has other circumstances that indicate financial hardship such as proof of bankruptcy settlement, catastrophic situations such as death, disability or divorce, other documentation that shows the patient would be e unable to pay medical bills and still be able to pay for other basic necessary expenses.

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